There are numerous skin diseases, which are inadequately treated by modem medicine, and eczema is one such problem. Eczema means a 'boiling over' of the skin and is characterised by spontaneous eruptions with mild to severe itching, redness, flaking and tiny blisters.
In chronic cases, the skin becomes thickened and appears like the 'bark of a tree'.
Allergic reaction
Inherited Stress or
A combination of the above
Sings & Symptoms
Infant eczema: A child may show signs of eczema at a very tender age of a few months after birth. A rash appears on the face, and may spread to the rest of the body, and the child suffers severe itching.
Contact eczema: After contact with a substance to which one is allergic-for example, jewellery, certain plants or cosmetics, a person gets this type of eczema. The skin becomes red and itchy with tiny blisters starting to appear within 48 hours of contact.
Housewife's eczema: It is an irritant eczema caused by prolonged exposure of the hands to detergents, washing liquids, shampoos and other cosmetic items. In this variety the skin may crack, flake and itch.
Herbal Medicines
The affected part should be cleaned daily with warm water boiled with the bark of the neem tree. This simple measure prevents secondary infections, and itching.
The paste prepared from neem bark should be applied on the affected part and allowed to dry and then washed off.
Pure neem oil, in a dosage of 2 to 4 drops well mixed in a cup of warm milk with sugar should be taken daily for 40 days.
Doob grass, harar, sendha namak, chakbar and tulsi taken in equal quantities' and crushed with kanji or buttermilk and applied on affected areas daily for 4 to 6 weeks gives good results.
Ayurvedic Remedies
A number of effective, soothing ointment/oils are available which are to be used under the supervision of an Ayurvedic physician, since these contain arsenic, mercury, suphur, etc.
Some simple safe and pure herbal preparations of Ayurveda are listed below.
Pancha Tikta Ghrita Guggul - A ghee based pure herbal preparation 2 teaspoonfuls well mixed in a cup of hot milk, should be taken on empty stomach, preferably in the early morning, followed by some warm water.
Khadirarishta, an oral liquid in doses of 20ml well mixed with equal quantity of water - should be taken twice a day after meals.
For external application, Guduchyadi Tailam, a medicated oil can be applied on the patches as a primary drug.
Skinille tablets (Charak) 1 to 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day with water after meals are very useful for treating eczema.
Raktoplen tablets (Bharat Ayurvedic Pharmacy) 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice daily act as a blood purifier and control infection.
Mahamarichayadi Tailam is very effective for external application.
Panchnimbadi Churna ½ to 1 teaspoon twice daily taken with water after meals gives very good results in 15 to 20 days.
Safi, a popular blood-purifier is taken 1 to 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach and helps in curing eczema.
Do's & Don'ts
Avoid contact with detergent; if unavoidable, wear cotton gloves & wash.
Keep the eczema patches free from any tight clothing.
Avoid use of synthetic clothing which prevent evaporation of sweat.
Eat water melon fruit daily.
Aviod sour things like pickles, curds, meat, fish and eggs.
Pure turmeric & neem are the choice home remedies.
Sour items like pickles and curds are to be avoided.
Bitter gourd and neem flowers are highly beneficial.
Pure turmeric is extremely useful; it can be applied externally over the patches and can be taken internally along with milk in a dose of ½ teaspoonful twice a day.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
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