Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This refers to enlargement of the thyroid gland resulting in swelling in the front part of the neck.
Deficiency or increase in iodine content of food items.
Thyroid tumours.
Due to medicines.
Signs & Symptoms
These depend on the cause and the type of goitre. The thyroid gland in such cases may be functioning less than normal or more than normal. The goit in many cases due to its large size, may produce problems in speech, respiration and swallowing of food.
Herbal Medicines
Old rice should be used once a day in food.
Barley is another home remedy. Barley water can be taken daily twice a day.
Cucumber is also good for goitre patients 100gm of it can be consumed daily as salad.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Kanchanara Guggulu is the drug of choice 2-3 tablets three times a day with milk or warm water.
Punarnava Mandoor and Guggulu can also be used side by side. One tab three times a day.
Do's & Don'ts
Exercise of neck is useful in this condition.
Sour and heavy foods are contraindicated.

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