Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Irregular Bleeding

This is a very common problem seen in women of reproductive age group. These women either have menstruation at irregular intervals or for a prolonged period. This disorder is also termed as Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (D.D.B.).
The causes are many. It is mainly due to imbalance of hormones i.e., estrogen and progesterone. Cancer of the uterus, fibroids, tension and bleeding disorders can cause irregular/exessive bleeding.
Signs & Symptoms
Some women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and hips before menstruation. Excessive bleeding can lead to weakness, giddiness, headache, breathlessness, palpitations and anaemia.
Herbal Medicines
Pomegranate is a useful remedy. Seven leaves mixed with seven grains of rice crushed together with a small amount of water. The paste is given to the patient twice daily for 30 days.
Amla is again very useful in controlling bleeding. It is a rich source of vitamin C. It can be given in any form.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Ashokarishtha is drug of choice. 20ml mixed with equal quantity of water given twice a day after meals.
Lodhrasava is another preparation. Doses are same as above.
Tab. Styplen (Himalaya) 1-2 tab. 3 times a day.
Cap. Eve Care (Himalaya) 2 cap. twice daily for 30 days then 1 cap. twice daily for 60 days completely cures excessive bleeding.
Other Measures
Exercise should be completely avoided.
While sleeping the foot of the bed should be slightly raised.
Complete mental and physical, rest is suggested.

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