Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nephritis (Swelling of Kidney)

Nephritis refers to inflammation of the kidney. It involves inflammation of different parts of the kidney due to different reasons.
Infections of the urinary system.
Tuberculosis of the kidney.
Tumours of the kidney.
Drugs-painkillers, antibiotics.
Toxic chemicals and heavy metals.
Metabolic disorders.
Sings & Symptoms
Usual symptoms are:
Swelling of the face.
Urine- contains protein (albumin).
Blood pressure increases.
Nausea or vomiting.
Abdominal pain.
Burning urination, increased frequency.
Herbal Medicines
Juice of radish 250 ml given 2 or 3 times a day.
Triphala water or powder is also proved good.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Punamava Mandoor is the drug of choice 1 tab. three times a day.
Tab. Cystone (Himalaya drugs co.) 1 tab 3 times'a day.
1 Neeri tab is also very effective. Doses are as above.
Do's & Don'ts
Patient should not take much of salt.
Lots of liquids especially water is to be taken.
Fried and sour things to be avoided.

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