Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blood in Urine

Presence of blood in the urine is called haematuria.
It is commonly caused by urinary stones or infection of the kidney or genital region. Some type of bleeding disorders can also give rise to haematuria.
Sings & Symptoms
Besides these symptoms the patient may have pain in the loin or back, fever, bleeding from other sites, vomiting, pus in urine and protein in urine.
Herbal Medicines
Green banana is used as vegetable.
One glass juice of white pumpkin mixed with sugarcane juice should be given everyday.
The powder of amla ½ tsf twice daily with water.
Pomegranate in any form is very useful.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Gokshura is the drug of choice. The seeds are used as powder and ½-1 tsf of it given twice a day.
Shilajit 125mg given twice a day.
Chandraprabhavati 1-2 tab twice daily.
Do's & Don'ts
Sexual intercourse is to be avoided and patient should take lots of fluids.

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