Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pus in the Ear

Pus in the Ear
Pus in the ear occurs due to inflammation of the ear which is caused by certain bacteria and viruses.
The organisms causing pus in the ear occur due to cough, cold and sinusitis. Initially running nose, cold or cough may be present but later the bacteria enter into the middle ear through the eustachian tube. In children the eustachian tube (connecting the throat and middle ear) is very short and hence infection of the ear is very common after an attack of cold, cough or sinusitis.
Signs & Symptoms
When pus is formed in the middle ear, child complains of severe pain in the ear which is unbearable.
In most cases the pus enters into the external ear and outside after the eardrum is ruptured. This reduces the earache and foul-smelling pus come out.
Fever may be present in many cases.
Vomiting, poor appetite, cough may be associated.
Herbal Medicines
Garlic, onion and ginger are useful both externally and internally.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardia) is the drug of choice. One pill three times a day after meals with honey.
Nirgundayadi Tail is effective when used externally. One or two drops should be put into ear twice daily.
Septilin (Himalaya) 1-2 tabs twice daily for 15 days.
Do's & Don'ts
The patient should not take bath nor should he expose himself to cold wind and rain.

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