Thursday, November 5, 2009


Filariasis or Filaria is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito belonging to the species called Culex.
The adult worms live in the lymphatic vessels and the females produce microfilariae which at night circulate in the blood. The mosquitoes on biting the infected individuals carry the microfilariae which develop into adult worms. If the same mosquito bites a healthy person, the worms are transmitted to him and the infection is spread.
Signs & Symptoms
The early symptoms are fever accompanied by pain and redness along the affected lymphatic vessels. The testes are affected and swelling and pain occur. In later stages all the lymphatic channels in the lower limbs are affected and legs become swollen giving rise to elephantiasis. Some patients develop urticaria and pneumonia.
Herbal Medicines
Leaves of bel tree are very useful in the treatment of this condition. Three leaves everyday help in cure and prevention of this condition.
10 cloves of garlic should be given everyday if patient can tolerate its smell.
Dried ginger is used in boiling water.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Nityananda Rasa is very commonly used for it. ½ tab. to 1 tab. two times a day on empty stomach for 2 months.
Do's & Don'ts
To prevent mosquito bite, nets should be used regularly.
Patient should avoid residing in marshy areas.
Hot water must be used for bathing and drinking.

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