Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Swelling of The Body

Oedema refers to non-inflammatory swelling of the body. The swelling may be sometimes localized to the face, legs or abdomen and at times appears throughout the body.
Diseases of the heart.
Diseases of the kidney.
Liver diseases.
Medicines-steroids, painkillers, hormones, antihyperten­Sives.
Signs & Symptoms
These depend on the cause of oedema.
Herbal Medicines
Gomutra (cow's urine) is very good for massage on the affected part.
Castor oill0-15ml should be taken twice daily mixed with a cup of warm milk.
The powder of pepper mixed with the juice of bel leaves taken ½ teaspoonful two-three times a day.
The paste of lotus flower ½ teaspoonful mixed with milk taken twice daily for 15 days cures oedema completely.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Punarnava Mandoor is commonly used for oedema 1 tab. three times a day after meals with water for about a month.
Punarnava Guggulu is another drug of choice 1-2 pills 2-3 times a day.
Do's & Don'ts
Salt, fried items and curd are prohibited.
Ripe papaya should be taken on regular basis.
Patient should not sleep during day.
Excess of fat of any origin should be avoided.

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