Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hypertension refers to an increase in the blood pressure of an individual depending on his age, sex, physical and mental activities, family history and diet.

In more than 95% of cases no specific underlying cause can be found. Such patients are said to have essential hypertension. In some cases hypertension may be secondary to some disease or abnormality leading to secondary hypertension. These causes are as follows:
Excessive alcohol consumption.
Diseases of the kidneys.
Hormonal disorders.
Various drugs e.g. contraceptive pills, steroids, pain-killers etc.
Other factors-excessive salt intake, lack of exercise and mental tension.

Signs & Symptoms
Lack of sleep.
Breathlessness on exertion.
Easy fatigability.

*Herbal Medicines
Garlic is an excellent drug. It is made to paste and taken with buttermilk.
Almond oil one teaspoonful at bed time with a cup of milk.
Diet should be salt restricted.

Ayurvedic Remedies
Sarpagandha is used commonly for high blood pressure. 1 tab twice a day.
Abana 1-2 tab. twice daily for 6 weeks.
Dhara therapy is considered good. It should be done with medicated oil boiled with Bala and milk.
Tab Shanta (Bharat Ayurvedic Pharmacy) 1 tab, twice daily.

Do's & Don'ts
Hydrogenated oils should be avoided.
The patient should take such vegetables which help him keep his bowels clear.
Mental stress should be avoided.
Meditation is very effective for these type of patients.
Palak, a vegetable, should be avoided as far as possible, as it is rich in sodium element.
Salt should be restricted.

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