Wednesday, November 4, 2009

*Poor Memory

Memory consists of remembering what has been learnt recently or in the past. Many people have problems in memory which may be a temporary phase (e.g., after a head injury or a fit) or a permanent and progressive disorder.
Tempory loss of memory is due to:
Head injury.
A bout of excessive alcohol.
A fit.
Acute anxiety or stress-disorder. Permanent loss of memory is due to:
Degenerative diseases e.g., Alzheimer's disease.
Tumours of the brain.
Deficiency of vitamin B1 or B12.
Syphilis, AIDS.
Chronic alcoholism.
Herbal Medicines
Amla is best for poor memory. Its powder, murabba, vegetable can be consumed.
5-10 Almonds should be taken daily.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Brahmi Vati 1 tab. twice daily with milk after meals.
Tab Mentat 1 tab. three times a day.
Brahmighrita one teaspoonful twice daily with milk.
Tab. Brento (Ban) 1 tab. twice daily.
Do's & Don'ts
The patient should be kept free from worries, anxieties, emotional stress.
Meditation proves useful in correcting and promoting memory.

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