Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ringworm is a skin disease due to infection by fungi. Different fungi affect different parts of the body superficially.
It is mainly due to lack of hygiene or not wearing clean, dry, absorbent clothes. Caustic soaps, improper drying, humid weather, lack of immunity give rise to ringworm.
Sings & Symptoms
The infection spreads peripherally and heals centrally leaving a ring with a scaly or vesicular border and a central zone of normal skin. These lesions are very itchy and give rise to secondary infections.
Ayurvedic Remedies
Paradadi Malham is useful externally.
Arogya vardhini vati 1 tab. three times a day.
Tab. Rakhoplex (Bharat Pharmacy) 1 tab 3 times a day.
Tab. Skinelle (Charak) 1 tab. 3 times a day.
Cap. Neem taken daily once on empty stomach.
Do's & Don'ts
Always wear clean clothes and take bath daily. Curd and pickles should be avoided.

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